Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Earn Money Online with blogs

 Nothing in this world is easy without money although people say that money is just a part of our lives. Every one strives hard to earn more and lead a life which will really be one that would look and feel good. Bloggers are also human and no different from others, although we blog with passion but still we need something to make a living from. Although treating it as a complete business would be wrong and not advisable. Blogging should be passionate so that it reflects on your blogs and work rather than giving a feel of just another content site.Today in this article of mine I will give share some ways to make money with blogging ideas and elaborate them so that you get the complete thing.


One of the most common ways of making money from blogs is through advertising. Don’t take the advertising channel a low one, the world of web is becoming so massive that there are thousands of clients who would want to get the visitors from your site to theirs for a potential customer. There are two ways to do that.

(i) Adsense:
Adsense is one of the best Pay-Per-Click program in the world allowing you to earn unlimited money through the traffic and clicks that you generate from your blog. The brand Google gets thousands of customers who pay them to advertise on different parts of the web and help them in promoting products and brands.
There are also alternatives to Google Adsense like Chitika, Technorati, Adbrite but they are no close a match to the Googles baby.

(ii) Private Advertising Channel:

If you believe that your blog has the potential to generate clicks and help other sites/products evolve from your site then you should also go for this. You can charge them a monthly fee and give them a space on your blog. Finding the clients may be difficult but you can try Buy Sell Ads which help you find potential clients who will be ready to invest on your blog.


To be able to write an E-book you need to be an expert in a niche but if you are then probably trying it is not a bad ploy. If you are able to write a unique and informative book then just sit back and relax because it is going to pay you back for a very long time. You can sell your e-book from $10 to $50 , depending on the quality and promotion of your E-Book.

Affiliate Marketing:

Bloggers have definitely started to use this option in a way to make good money. The most easiest way to sell products from your blog is by promoting them through blog posts and writing about them. Include affiliate links in your post so that you get the credit for making a sale.

Popular affiliate marketing is with hostgator affiliate , Amazon affiliates and others.

Market Blogs:

Blogs are not the same they were a decade ago, people and business men have started to explore blogs to extract the money lying within it. Not only can blogs give high income but also regular income which is very important. People are ready to buy blogs with reputation for price that you demand. When there are opportunities like that , as a blogger you can start blogs and take them to a certain height and sell them off. This is becoming the trend as many bloggers, start blogs and sell them off at high prices.
You can try places like flippa to sell of blogs.

Share Your Knowledge For Cash:

If you are blogging on a particular niche , you will be knowing everything about it after a certain period of time. You can share that knowledge as expert advice to clients for money.If you have knowledge about different things than what you blog, still you can use your blog to market that skills and find clients.

Make Money By Writing For Others:

There are thousands of people who are willing to hire you for writing contents for them. If you are a capable writer then you can demand the price at which you write , because they know that you can help them get what they want. Be reasonable in what you quote them, don’t ever quote higher price than what you deserve. Not only is it against the ethics but also decreases your moral values which is not good.

Write Sponsored Reviews:

Sponsored reviews are ones which you are paid to write and publish on your blog. Though Google doesn’t recommend or appreciate these reviews but still it is not wrong till you exceed a limit. If you want to get more paid reviews, then it is good that you have a Technology Blog. You will get paid reviews related to software’s and other things which are high selling products on the web world.

You can try Pay per post, sponsored reviews etc ..


If you feel that you are helping people in cutting down on money with your articles on blog then you can try Donation widget on your blog. People be willing to donate money for the services that you provide them .

Comment any inquiries  .......


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